Company news

  • Nordkinn Asset Management AB (Nordkinn) hereby informs of changes in the fund statutes

    Nordkinn Asset Management AB (Nordkinn) hereby informs of changes in the fund statutes

    Nordkinn herby informs that the Swedish FSA (Finansinspektionen) has approved certain amendments in the fund statutes for
    Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Master Fund (“Master Fund”)
    Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Fund (SEK) A
    Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Fund (NOK) B
    Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Fund (EUR) C
    Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Fund (SEK) D
    Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Fund (NOK) E
    Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Fund (USD) G
    Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Fund (SEK) I

    (all funds other than the “Master Fund” are collectively called ”Feeder Funds”)

    The amendment in the fund statutes of the Master Fund include a change in expected ‘range’ for the expected risk level of the Master Fund. As measured by 24-month rolling annualised standard deviation, the risk level ‘range’ is expected between 2 and 8 percent (previously 4 to 8 percent). This change is explained by the massive stimuli from central banks over the past years having effected the dynamics of the financial markets. The central bank monetary programs have had significant impact on at both interest rates as well as market volatility, both of which have fallen meaningfully. As Nordkinn’s assessment is that these market conditions may persist, it is reasonable to adjust the ‘range’ to more appropriately express the expected risk level of the Master Fund. This change does not result any changes in the Master Fund’s investment policy nor how risk is taken.

    The following changes have been made to the fund statutes of the Feeder Funds:

    – The range of the Feeder Funds’ expected risk level has changed the same way as for the Master Fund (please see details above).
    – Unit-holders will be able to request subscriptions and redemptions by other means than by using Nordkinn’s own subscription and redemption forms. More details about this can be found in the Offering Memorandum.
    – Requests for subscriptions and redemptions must be received by Nordkinn no later than 15.00 four Banking Days before the “Trading Day” (thus regardless of the date of subscription or redemption being a full Banking Day or half-Business Day, which had relevance previously).
    – Nordkinn may accept, in exceptional cases, subscriptions even if such may be registered on the Feeder Fund’s bank account later than four Banking Days before the “Trading Day”.
    – When calculating performance fees, Nordkinn will round off the number of shares and the amount of the fee to two decimal places (upwards or downwards). In the past, Nordkinn had only the right to round off downwards. This amendment has been implemented for system technical reasons.

    Changes to the fund statutes for the Master Fund and the Feeder Funds are deemed not significant for unit-holders. Updated Offering Memorandums (including fund statutes) are available at our website,

    As always, please contact us on +46 8 4734050 or if you have any questions.


    Nordkinn Asset Management AB

  • Nordkinn Asset Management AB (Nordkinn) informerer herved om endringer i fondbestemmelsene

    Nordkinn Asset Management AB (Nordkinn) informerer herved om endringer i fondbestemmelsene

    Nordkinn informerer hermed om at Finansinspektionen godkjent endringer i fondbestemmelsene til:

    Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Master Fund (“Mottagerfondet”)
    Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Fund (SEK) A
    Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Fund (NOK) B
    Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Fund (EUR) C
    Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Fund (SEK) D
    Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Fund (NOK) E
    Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Fund (USD) G
    Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Fund (SEK) I

    (øvrige fond enn ”Mottagerfondet” benevnes ”Materfond”)

    Endringen i mottakerfondet er at det estimerte intervallet for fondets gjennomsnittlige risikonivå har endret seg. Etter endringen vil Nordkinn tilstrebe fondets gjennomsnittlige risikonivå, målt som et årlig standardavvik, til å utgjøre 2 til 8 prosent (tidligere 4 til 8 prosent). Endringen skyldes stimulansene som sentralbankene har implementert de siste årene, som har hatt en betydelig innvirkning på både renten (alle rentene langs hele durasjonskurven, i alle deler av den utviklede verden) og markedets volatilitet, har falt betraktelig. Ettersom Nordkinn bedømmer at disse markedsforholdene vil vedvare, er intervallet justert for å gi et mer nøyaktig bilde av fondets foventede gjennomsnittlige risikonivå. Endringen medfører ingen endring i fondets investeringsfokus eller risikoprofil.

    Følgende endringer er gjort i fondbestemmelsene for Materfondene:

    – Intervallet for fondenes gjennomsnittlige risikonivå har endret seg på samme måte som for mottakerfondet (se detaljer ovenfor).
    Andelseierne vil kunne be om tegning og innløsning på andre måter enn ved å bruke et spesielt skjema. Ytterligere informasjon om dette finner du i informasjonsbrosjyren.
    Tegning og innløsning må være Nordkinn i hende senest kl 15.00 fire bankdager før “handelsdagen” (uavhengig av om tegnings- eller innløsningsdagen er en hel bankdag eller en halv bankdag).
    – Nordkinn har i unntakstilfeller rett til å tillate tegning selv om betalingen er mottatt på fondets bankkonto eller bankgirokonto senere enn fire bankdager før “Handelsdagen”.
    – Ved beregning av resultatbasert avgift vil Nordkinn avrunde antall andeler og størrelsen på avgiften til to desimaler (opp og ned). Tidligere hadde Nordkinn bare rett til å runde ned til to desimaler. Endringen er implementert av systemtekniske årsaker.

    Endringene i fondbestemmelsene for Motakerfondet og Materfondene bedømmes ikke til å være av vesentlig betydelse for andelseierne.

    Oppdaterte informasjonsbrosjyrer (inklusive fondbestemmelsene) er tilgjengelige på vår hjemmeside,

    Kontakt oss gjerne på +46 8 4734050 eller om du har noen spørsmål.

  • Changes to the Board of Nordkinn Asset Management AB

    At the Annual General Meeting held today, Peter Hansson has been appointed as chairman of the board of Nordkinn Asset Management AB. Having held the role as independent board member since 2019, Peter Hansson replaces Tor Bechmann who has been Nordkinn’s chairman since 2012. Tor Bechmann remains on the board as independent board member. Christer Franzén, who has been an independent board member of Nordkinn since 2012, has resigned from the board of directors. Eva Redhe remains on the board as independent board member and as does Emma Ihre as independent adjunct board member in her capacity as Nordkinn’s Investor Ombudsman. Erik Eidolf and Tom Farmen remain on the board as non-independent board members.

    Nordkinn expresses profound gratitude for the excellent work and contributions from Christer Franzén and Tor Bechmann in their respective roles within Nordkinn over the past 9 years. Nordkinn and its new board of directors are excited and committed to continue making Nordkinn the Nordic fixed income specialist and a trusted partner for absolute returns.

  • Our CEO in HedgeNordic – Nordkinn CEO Sits on SBAI Committee

  • Nordkinn CEO appointed as member EMEA Committee of the SBAI