At the Annual General Meeting held today, Peter Hansson has been appointed as chairman of the board of Nordkinn Asset Management AB. Having held the role as independent board member since 2019, Peter Hansson replaces Tor Bechmann who has been Nordkinn’s chairman since 2012. Tor Bechmann remains on the board as independent board member. Christer Franzén, who has been an independent board member of Nordkinn since 2012, has resigned from the board of directors. Eva Redhe remains on the board as independent board member and as does Emma Ihre as independent adjunct board member in her capacity as Nordkinn’s Investor Ombudsman. Erik Eidolf and Tom Farmen remain on the board as non-independent board members.
Nordkinn expresses profound gratitude for the excellent work and contributions from Christer Franzén and Tor Bechmann in their respective roles within Nordkinn over the past 9 years. Nordkinn and its new board of directors are excited and committed to continue making Nordkinn the Nordic fixed income specialist and a trusted partner for absolute returns.