Peter Hansson appointed as new board member of Nordkinn Asset Management AB
Peter Hansson has been appointed as independent board member of Nordkinn Asset Management AB. The other independent members are Tor Bechmann (chair), Christer Franzén, Emma Ihre and Eva Redhe. With an industry experience of more than 25 years within the institutional investor community, including his previous role as CEO of SPK Sparinstitutens Pensionskassa (the Pension Insurance Company for Swedish savings banks), Mr. Hansson brings a specific asset owner perspective into Nordkinn. Besides Nordkinn, Mr. Hansson sits on the board of Första AP-fonden (AP1) and chairs the Investment Committee of Barncancerfonden (Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund).
Nordkinn is excited to welcome Peter to Nordkinn and we look forward to working with him and the other members of our board in our continued efforts to develop Nordkinn as we move forward.