Nordkinn’s overall objective is to create maximum absolute risk-adjusted returns with low correlation with traditional asset classes (shares and bonds) and act exclusively in the common interest of our investors.
Nordkinn integrates sustainability factors into our investment decision‐making process, and we consider principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors. This results in more well-informed investment decisions, which in turn leads to better results for our investors.
Nordkinn also has the objective to support a transition to a sustainable economy and promote the conditions for long-term sustainable development in the instruments in which the funds have invested. We promote environmental and social characteristics in management of all funds, but does not have as its objective sustainable investment, and as such with regards to Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation “SFDR” classified as article 8 funds.
Nordkinn’s sustainability efforts are governed by our Sustainability Policy and implemented across three perspectives:
The perspective of our investors
The perspective of how we invest
The perspective of our role in the financial system and the society
To protect all investors in our fund, Nordkinn has appointed an Investor Ombudsman to our Board of Directors. The Investor Ombudsman’s mission is to represent the interests of the fund’s investors versus both the fund and Nordkinn as the manager of the fund.
The governing body for the implementation of Nordkinn’s sustainability work is the Sustainability Steering Committee. SSC is responsible for defining and continuously evaluating the sustainability process, the definition of the exclusion filter, approving companies for exclusion, and defining themes for engagement dialogues Nordkinn shall pursue, which often is related to a specific sustainability theme. Our engagement activities are published in our annual engagement report.
Nordkinn’s sustainability committee has identified a number of activities and products that it believes can be linked to principal adverse impact on sustainability factors and in which Nordkinn refrains from investing. Through Nordkinns’ exclusion filter, we screen our investable universe to identify issuers with undesirable sustainability risks. The filter includes both norm-based screening (e.g. human rights and anti-corruption) and sector-based screening (e.g. specific controversial products or services such as tobacco and coal mining). From this process we currently have approximately 30 issuers on Nordkinn’s exclusion list.
Connected to the ongoing sustainability work, Nordkinn supports the following initiatives and agreements:
- Agenda 2030 and the global goals for sustainable development
- The Paris Agreement
- Global Compact – the UN’s ten principles around human rights, labor law, the environment and anti-corruption
- OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
- ILO – The International Labor Organization on social justice and internationally recognized human and labor rights
- UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
Being committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement, Nordkinn’s climate-related financial reporting efforts are published in our TCFD report. With regards to Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation “SFDR”, Nordkinn is classified as an article 8 fund as further detailed in our latest Sustainability-related disclosure.
To take responsibility for our role in the financial system and society as a whole, we are active members of the UN PRI and SBAI since 2017.
For further information on any of the above we encourage you to contact us directly.