Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Fund SEK I

NAV: 102.21 (31.01.2025)
ISIN: SE0010625590
Bloomberg code: NRDKINI

Please contact investor relations for further information.

Inception Date: 01.01.2018
Base Currency: SEK
Target Return: Hurdle rate + 4%
Minimum Investment: 1.000.000 SEK
Management Fee:
Performance Fee:

High Watermark: Yes
Hurdle Rate: SSVX 90-days (set to zero if negative)
Subscription: Monthly (4 business days notice)
Redemption: Monthly (4 business days notice)
Domicile: Sweden
Dividend Paying: Yes

SEK I Bond index* Equity index**
1 mth 0.91% 1.29% 7.48%
YTD 0.91% 1.29% 7.48%
Inception 19.95% -2.42% 122.22%

*Bond index: OMRX Treasury Bond Index (OMRX)
**Equity index: OMX Stockholm Total Return Index SEK (OMXSGI)

Source: Bloomberg/Nordkinn Asset Management

All data under SEK I is presenting the Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Fund SEK I’s historical performance, and is calculated and presented in the Fund’s base currency SEK, net of all fees and without adjusting for inflation. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. The money invested in the fund can both increase and decrease in value and it is not certain that you will recover the entire invested capital.

SEK I Bond index* Equity index**
Stdev *** 4.87% 5.05% 17.65%
Corr *** 0.18 0.23
Pos mths 64.71% 49.41% 62.35%
Beta 0.17 0.06

*Bond index: OMRX Treasury Bond Index (OMRX)
**Equity index: OMX Stockholm Total Return Index SEK (OMXSGI)
*** Standard deviation and Correlation calculated on monthly performance data since fund inception. Stable absolute risk-adjusted returns will result in lower standard deviation.

Source: Bloomberg/Nordkinn Asset Management

SEK I Master Fund
Language Swedish/English Swedish/English
Sustainability-related disclosures
Sustainability declaration (SWESIF)


SEK I Master Fund
Language Swedish/English Swedish/English
Offering Memorandum including Fund Statutes


All investments are associated with risk. The money invested in the Fund can both increase and decrease in value and it is not certain that you will recover the entire invested capital.

Nordkinn Asset Management aims to create and preserve wealth by consistently providing investors with stable risk-adjusted absolute return through a focus on risk management and downside protection.

Risk is an important part of the management of the Fund. Nordkinn and its board of directors have identified different types of risks and have determined internal instructions how those shall be managed. Nordkinn has a risk management system to identify measure, manage and monitor the risks that are relevant for the Fund. The risk management system constitutes the relevant part of Nordkinn’s organisational structure, with a central role for a fixed risk management function, as well as guidelines and procedures for managing relevant risks for each fund’s investment policy, as well as risk management arrangements, procedures and techniques used by Nordkinn for each fund we manage.

The internal rules contain information on the risks that the company has identified that any fund it manages is exposed to or may be exposed to. The internal rules for risk management also contain a description of how Nordkinn shall be able to assess each fund’s exposure to market, liquidity and counterparty risks and the exposure to all other risks, including operational risks, which may be of material importance to the individual fund. The internal rules also include a description of how the risks should be managed.

In addition to our internal risk management, FCG Fonder AB, is appointed to do independent risk management through identifying, measuring and controlling risk for both Nordkinn and its funds. The risk indicator in the Fund’s Key Investor Information Document (KIID) shows the relationship between the risk and potential returns, in accordance to the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) recommendations.

The Fund’s risk profile depends on various types of risks that can affect the overall risk to varying degrees and at different times. These include but are not limited to:

Market risk

Market risk refers to the risk of losses as a result of movements in financial markets, such as the equity, interest or foreign exchange market. The value of assets is generally determined by a number of factors, including confidence in the market where they are bought and sold.

Credit and counterparty risk

The Fund has direct and indirect exposure to debt instruments. If an issuer of such instrument fails to pay interest or nominal value, it can have a significant negative impact on the Fund’s performance. Credit risk is the risk of losses as a result of a counterparty not being able to fulfil its obligations. Credit risk is deemed to be low and, above all, consists of the counterparty risk arising if a counterparty does not fulfil its obligations to the Fund, for example by not paying an agreed amount or not delivering securities as agreed, may expose the Fund to financial loss.

Liquidity risk

Defined as risk that arises when an asset cannot be sold or bought at the intended time without a major price impact, which is not reflected in the risk/reward indicator. Underlying assets in the Master Fund consist of financial instruments which by their nature are to be regarded as liquid, but may in extreme market conditions have a relatively low liquidity, and may then involve a risk that these will be difficult to sell or buy at a certain time to a satisfactory price.

Operational risk

The risk of loss due to system breakdowns, faults caused by human error or external events.

Derivative risk

Derivative instruments whose value depend on the value of underlying assets. Even small price changes of these can result in large price movements in the derivative.

Risks and management of the risks are described in more detail in the Offering Memorandum of the funds under section “The Risk Profile”, which can be found under fund documents for each fund on this web page.

Swedish/English Next date
Subscription form (Legal entities) Subscription form - Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Funds (English)Subscription form - Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Funds (English) 24.02.2025
Subscription form (Private individuals) Subscription form - Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Funds (English)Subscription form - Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Funds (English) 24.02.2025
Redemption form Redemtion Form - Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Funds (English)Redemtion Form - Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Funds (English) 24.02.2025


Historical Performance

All data below, presenting the Nordkinn Fixed Income Macro Fund SEK I’s historical performance, is calculated and presented in the Fund’s base currency SEK, net of all fees and without adjusting for inflation. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. The money invested in the fund can both increase and decrease in value and it is not certain that you will recover the entire invested capital. Packaged Retail Investment and Insurance-based Product Key Information Documen (PRIIP) and Offering Memorandum for the fund is available under Fund Documents.

Please contact investor relations for further information.

*The chart above is adjusted for dividends


Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ytd
2018 0.82% -0.22% -0.32% 0.50% -0.89% -0.03% 1.08% -1.16% 1.26% 0.18% -1.38% -1.39% -1.59%
2019 0.89% -0.01% 0.04% 0.62% 0.20% 0.87% 0.40% -0.91% 0.41% 0.10% -0.22% 0.53% 2.94%
2020 1.18% -0.23% -0.40% 1.53% 1.85% 0.28% 0.80% 0.98% -0.75% -0.75% 1.47% 0.33% 6.07%
2021 1.51% -2.37% 2.63% 0.12% -0.49% -1.29% -0.27% -0.09% 0.50% -6.12% 2.33% 0.68% -3.13%
2022 0.21% -1.11% -4.59% 1.08% -2.53% -3.74% 0.57% 0.83% 0.39% -0.04% 1.53% 1.46% -5.99%
2023 1.31% -0.48% 0.35% 0.53% -0.08% 0.35% 1.02% 1.63% 1.31% 0.61% 1.14% -0.75% 7.13%
2024 0.95% 1.12% 1.68% -0.22% 0.98% 2.17% 1.90% 1.56% 1.79% -1.20% 1.61% 0.03% 13.01%
2025 0.91% 0.91%